The selected candidates should get him / herself admitted to the respective college / institution and course duly furnished originals of certificates of qualifying examinations duly paying prescribed fee.
The admitted candidates have been prescribed the following dress code:
Common for both Boys and Girls.
Blue Collared white Apron with Blue PMS Emblem on both the shoulders and Name Plate.
The Board is empowered to prescribe the dress code from time to time
The minimum qualification prescribed for admission to the above courses shall be a pass in II PUC with Science subjects PCB., PCMB., CBZ., except for Diploma in Medical Records Technology for which minimum qualification would be II PUC with any optional subjects such as Science/Arts/Commerce. Those trained in English Typing or in basic Computer knowledge will be given preference.
If sufficient candidates who have passed with PUC science subjects are not available, the candidates with S.S.L.C. qualification could be admitted to the above courses except courses.
The candidates admitted to any Para Medical Course either in Government or Private Institutions are not paid stipend, freeship or scholarship.
There shall be no commitment on the part of the State Government or Para Medical Board to provide job to the candidates who have successfully completed the course.
The candidate should have attained the minimum age of 15 years as on 31st December prior to the year of admission. Upper age limit would be 35 years. In case of Inservice, SC & ST candidates upper age limit would be 40 years.
The examinations to the candidates of Para Medical courses shall be conducted by the Para Medical Board. The Board examinations shall be conducted in accordance with the scheme of examination drawn for each subject.
There shall be two examinations in a year, i.e., Annual and Supplementary Examinations and shall be conducted by the Para Medical Board. Regular Internal assessment will be conducted by the concerned colleges. The Board examinations shall consist of written, practical and viva examinations as specified in the scheme of examination prescribed for each course.
The internal assessment must be conducted by the concerned colleges at least twice in a year and the marks list containing the average of these two internal assessment shall be submitted to the Board well before the commencement of the Board examination by the Principal of the concerned college. Internal marks received after the stipulated date will not be considered.
The Member Secretary is empowered to appoint the qualified examiners in respective subject for paper setting, conduction of Practicals and other such required personnel for smooth conduction of Examinations in consultation with the Chairman of the Board. The remuneration to all those who have been engaged with the examination work shall be paid as fixed by the Board from time to time.
Only such students who produces the certificate from the Head of the Institution to the effect that he/she has regularly and satisfactorily followed the course of study by attending not less than 75% of the classes held both in Theory and Practical separately for each subject.
A student who has failed to complete all the prescribed subjects of annual examinations (subjects of certificate courses in case of S.S.L.C. passed students, 1st and 2nd year subjects for Physiotherapy students and subjects of Preliminary examinations for others) will not be permitted to appear for the subsequent annual examination of the course to which they are admitted. However, they are allowed to attend the classes of the subsequent year of their course, provided they pass 50% of the subjects offered at the annual examination to which they have appeared.
The candidate registered for the examination shall appear for the examinations only at the centre assigned for that Institution in which the candidate has fulfilled his/her course requirement.